Tuesday 24 March 2020

Alvis, work, and Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance No.1

I am driving to work tomorrow.

I have to.

I'm what is engagingly called a 'key worker'.

This doesn't mean I work for that very nice chap Mr Timpson, and neither am I a safe-cracker......

I work for the National Blood Service.

I look after blood and platelet donors at The Cambridge Blood Donor Centre.

I have been coy about this in the past, as going on-line and talking about it was reckoned to possibly bring The Firm into disrepute. (Well, if you'd actually had a really shitty day, you can see how that could prove unwise - and as Twitface is so indelible, how it could hurt both a great organisation,  and also the person posting.....  (who may have, momentarily, reached the end of their tether......)

But I take blood for a living.

Okay, spare me the Vampire jokes.

It's really boring.....

(And I'm actually a werewolf, anyway, so go figure that one.....).

But the time has come to be plain.

Here's the thing: we must ensure that the supply of blood to hospitals throughout the UK does not fail.

Covid-19 notwithstanding, if we fail, people are going to die.

So I am now back up to full time working. (I have been part-time for years, but that doesn't sit well with me right now...).

And while the weather is fine, I'm going to drive to work in the Alvis.

It gives me joy, and joy is in short supply.

Also, we won't get any PPE. We are dealing with the well people: if they aren't well, we'll send them home.

So no PPE for us.

There simply isn't enough to go round.

It has to go to the heroes and heroines at the sharp end of this, actually treating the poor sods who've contracted this bastard virus.

I suppose I could go on about why these shortages have occurred, and the way they have occurred on the watch of the party of our current Poundland Churchill of a PM, but you'll need a much more political blog than this one for that.

I'm going into work anyway.

In an Alvis.

Play the music.

It belongs to us just as much as it belongs to the people who are sending us in without so much as a mask.

More soon.

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