I worked a full day today at the Hole-Making Shop.
We were very, very busy, which was good.
Staffing levels, however, were not at their optimum this morning, so there was a degree of grump going on.........
So, first thing, I bought my colleagues a bacon sandwich each from the canteen. ( Fortunately, Our Sylvia, the lovely lady who looks after us, food-wise, didn't get carried away and garnish them with holly..... Could have been nasty).
Things were a lot less snippy after that........
(It is amazing really, the effect that something as simple as the receipt of an unexpected bacon banjo can have.......)
It was a very busy and very fruitful day, with lots of holes made and good stuff extracted.
Mark The Engineer (see blogposts passim), came in late this afternoon to have a hole made, and very kindly gave me a lift home. (The Hairdresser's car is hors de combat, and Jackie needed the Volkswagen today so had given me a lift to work).
I would like to point out that Mark and I didn't stop off at "The Sun" in Waterbeach on our way home, which showed great strength of character, I feel....
(Mind you, we did on Friday, with Jane. This turned into a bit of an epic Gargle-Fest......
We pulled up at The Parish behind Jackie and Rhoda who were in the Volks. They had been shopping and were all fired up to go to the carol service at Ely Cathedral.
In twenty minutes time.
Sad to relate, my heart died within me.
I was simply too knackered.
Once aboard Pippin, I opened a beer, sat down on the sofa, took a sip, and promptly fell asleep.
Jackie and Rhoda tip-toed out to sing while I snored.
I awoke to the sound of heavenly choirs.
This always worries me................
I immediately think the old bod has finally given up the ghost and the sound of celestial song is the precursor to a heated argument with Saint Peter about whether or not I am, in fact, on the guest-list........
No need to worry this evening.
The sound of old and familiar carols was wafting across the fen from Waterbeach village.
Methinks t'was the choir and congregation of the C of E Church of St John the Evangelist giving it some seasonal welly.
Absolutely lovely!
I am about to open a rather decent bottle of red which will have got its breath nicely by the time J and R get back from Ely, just in time for canapes and a pizza or two.
I'd better sample it first, just to make sure it's drinkable...........
Wherever you are, I raise my glass to you.
May your Christmas be a happy one, and the New Year bring you peace.
John and Jackie Pippin.
Covid Lockdown
4 years ago
Bright blessings to you both!
Jaq and Les