"I don't believe it.
Yes, dear old Victor's catchphrase could not be more apt than it is today.
It actually wearies me to hear the news that the current incumbent of The White House has re-tweeted vile racist nonsense from a bunch of pathetic non-entities based in the United Kingdom.
Also, that Garrison Keillor, American radio broadcaster and author of 'Lake Woebegone Days' has just been fired from his job as a result of an accusation of improper behaviour.
Good Grief.
I love his work: if you haven't read his book, then get a copy quick before they are all burned.
I don't know.
Look, if he did something or said something or suggested something that would not have made his mother proud at some point in his seventy five years, then he should say sorry and make amends.
But don't let the accusation (at time of writing not substantiated) prevent you from reading his work.
It's a great primer for the sublime prose of Kent Haruf, an author who is a fairly recent addition to Pippin's library.
Start with 'Plainsong'.
For many years, academia has been in search of The Great American Novel.
For my money, this is it.
'Benediction' is also brilliant.
I haven't read 'Our Souls at Night' yet, though.
I am given to understand it is not about the late shift at the local hospital's colonoscopy clinic, no matter what the British English pronunciation of the title may lead you to believe.......
It is a shame Mr Haruf is no longer with us.
He could have continued his superb ouvre with a book entitled "Our Souls at The White House"........
Covid Lockdown
4 years ago